Tuesday, January 5, 2021

Think and grow rich

                                           Think and grow rich

It is the same concept of being the top of a particular field. When you are the best at something, you find that opportunities come to you. To become an expert of something, it is crucial to never stop improving. Successful people invest time, energy, and money in improving themselves, and it might just be the most rewarding investment you can ever make.

To get started, figure out what skill you want to cultivate. Make a list of the world’s ten best people at that one thing, and use this list to define criteria and track your own progress toward becoming the best.

If you’re a writer, for example, you might consult the New York Times Bestseller list, and identify the ten successful authors that you admire the most. Learn more about these writers, what they did to be successful, and read some of their work. Invest the time and energy in improving your own craft, by looking at successful past models.


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If personal finance were as simple as understanding math, this book wouldn’t be necessary; people would never overspend, get into debt, or make foolish financial decisions. But research shows that our choices are based on more than just arithmetic—they’re also influenced by a complex web of psychological and emotional factors.

This chapter gives you a quick overview of the relationship between money and happiness. You’ll also learn techniques for escaping the mental traps that make it hard to be content with what you have. As you’ll see, you don’t need a million bucks to be happy.


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He prepares the soil. Plants the seeds, waters them, and make sure they get enough sunlight.

He protects it from pests. Gives it the right fertilizer. Soon enough, the crops appear. He harvests them and repeats the same process all over again.

Ask any financially successful person and they will nod in agreement that the money we save is seeds: waiting to be sown, planted, tended, and then harvested.

And that’s just number 2 (Investing) below on our list of top tips on wealth creation. If you’re ready to get rich, read on!

Monday, January 4, 2021

How can I get rich with no money?

                How can I get rich with no money?

For a start, you need to let go of blaming others for what you don’t have. And need to immediately start taking responsibility for anything that happens and doesn’t happen to you.

Net worth is the value of all of your assets minus the liabilities that you owe. Once you figure out your current net worth, you can figure out what you need to do to become rich. No matter what your current net worth is, don’t be discouraged because you can start working towards getting rich from nothing by following specific steps. Let's get into them!
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It’s important to acknowledge that economic mobility is far from easy in the U.S.; the above scenarios are not typical. But for those who do achieve wealth, the trick is twofold: First you have to make the money; then you have to keep it.

Anyone lucky enough to earn a steady, living wage - and there are tragically too few - can attain financial security, and maybe even get rich, by saving and investing their money. It doesn't require deprivation, contrary to popular perception. But it does require sustained and disciplined frugality, a state of mind anyone can cultivate and I would argue everyone should.

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The moment you can tell the difference between wealth and money, you have come across a life-changing opportunity and you must use it accordingly. For instance, having money in the bank wouldn’t lead to a vision or the love of others that help you earn a better tomorrow. As youngsters, we didn’t have a lot of money but we were driven by enthusiasm, personal vision, and potential to stay committed to the grind. These coins of wealth confer the ability to earn a proper living.

Being motivated is the last thing we feel when we’re concerned about money, so this will remind us of our goals and purpose.

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However, there is hope. In the research report that kicked off this latest set of news stories, Katharina Hecht from the London School of Economics and Political Science found that one third of sample of extremely rich people working in the City of London agreed that “the government should reduce income differences”.

How can I get rich quick?

                                                How can I get rich quick?

Most people, if not all of us, want to live in financial comfort and stability. We want to be rich, to be able to buy anything we want and to have access to a premium lifestyle. While the end goal is clear, it’s hard to know where to begin your journey to being wealthy.


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No matter the household you grew up in, the key is to push to move past selling your labor (work) to making your money work for you. Each dollar you save is like an employee. The goal is to make your "employees" work hard, and, eventually, they will start making their own money. When you have become truly successful, you no longer have to sell your labor, and you can live off of the labor of your assets.

There’s no foolproof fast pass to becoming rich. But instead of daydreaming about that six-figure (or, even better, seven-figure) income, here’s information you can put to good use. Put these 15 steps into action now, and you’ll be laying the groundwork in your 20s for an overflowing bank account in your 30s.

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There are many ways to get rich through real estate investing. The fact that investing in real estate properties can be financially rewarding in several ways is a big incentive. Compare that with other forms of investments, like commercial or stock investment, and it becomes evidently clear that real estate offers more stability. In other forms of investment, uncertainty and risks are part of the routine

. There are ways to get rich off of these investments, but they require consistent improvement, huge initial capital, and extensive managerial skills. The consumer behavior for other investments is also unpredictable, and the behavioral patterns of consumers can affect commercial entities, companies, and stock prices easily.

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The stock market isn't a path to wealth for everyone. It's not easy to be a day trader. "Today's investing environment is exceedingly difficult for individual investors to generate superior returns to those provided by low-cost index funds," says CPA Sean Stein Smith, a member of the National CPA Financial Literacy Commission. "Past performance is no guarantee of future success, and technology has only made this more difficult."